Prevention is Better than Cure – Various Methods of Nasal Cleansing

The method suggested by Yoga hygiene for the cleansing of the nostrils is very simple and is known as the process of ‘Neti‘. To meet all kinds of cases, it is further sub-divided into two modes:-

  1. Sutra-neti / Rubber neti‘ or cleansing the nose by means of a thread made specially for this purpose or rubber cathetar
  2. The ‘Jalaneti‘ or the nasal douche.

Kinds of Jalaneti:- The Jalaneti or the nasal douche is really threefold:-

a. “Vyutkrama Jalaneti” when the water is taken through the nostrils and expelled through the mouth.

b. “Shitakrama Jalaneti” or the reverse process of sucking through the mouth and throwing it out through both the nostrils.

c. “Siddha Jalaneti” which consists in sniffing water (and sometimes even milk and other liquids) through one nostril at a time without allowing it to the mouth, expelling the same through the other nostril. This when reversed and practised alternately through the other nostril forms one complete process.

The detailed process and their benefits have been explained earlier as linked above.

Prevention is Better than Cure

The root cause of all diseases is one or the other kind of uncleanliness which breeds germs or bacteria. A Yoga Sadhaka i.e., a student of Yoga consequently starts with ‘Shaucha’ or cleanliness. Internal and external, physical and mental cleanliness comes under ‘Shaucha’.

Text books on Yoga lay down various practices for cleaning different parts of the body. But we are, however, concerned here with the cleanliness of the nose only. If the nose is kept clean and healthy a cold cannot successfully attack the person even inspite of the conditions of infection being present.

Any organ – teeth, eyes, ears, skin, bowels, etc. is liable to fall prey to a disease if not cleansed regularly. The teeth, eyes, skin and others fortunately receive our due attention in this direction, but the nose generally remains neglected, though it is the most important organ and on its health depends the well being not only of the lungs, ears and eyes but of the whole system. This is the organ through which we suck in the ‘Prana-Vayu’ i.e. life-breath. This should be invariably cleansed every morning along with the teeth.

Ordinarily, whatever dust is inhaled lodges on the mucous surface of the nasal canal and is pushed towards the outer orifice by the minute cilia which are in constant outward motion. Any microbes entering the nose are likewise expelled, and in addition to this mechanical expulsion, the nasal mucous which by nature is germicidal destroys a large number of bacteria. But with the amount of dust we inhale and the adulterated food and poisonous drinks we are daily swallowing, clogging of the whole physical mechanism in unavoidable. The nasal passage accordingly suffers from dust accumulation and stuffing. Handkerchiefs cannot remove all the dust and mucous accumulated from the long zigzag nasal passage, and the refuse begins to encrust.

How one catches cold – Cold and Damp

Damp or cold air cannot by itself cause a cold. An indispensable factor in the catching of cold is the presence of germ infection and, whatever hardships or exposure we undergo, they will not result in an ordinary head cold provided the air is free from infective germs.

Investigators in the cause of science have exposed their naked bodies to direct draughts of freezing points, having first attained an over heated condition by violent exercise and yet, though the experiment was tried over prolonged periods the result which might have been expected, viz, a cold did not appear.

There is however, a way in which bad weather, conditions can play a more definite part in cold causation, and that are alternated with unhealthy atmosphere. If we get thoroughly chilled, with wet feet, and then go into confined surroundings and sit or remain in these conditions, we are in a fair way to catching a cold. This is because the blood is diverted from the cold extremities where the arteries are contracted, to the head, which tends to become relatively congested. This congestion, which is increased by the hot stagnant air surrounding the head causes the mucous membrane of the nose to become unhealthy and swollen, and lowers its resistance to the germs of infection which now surround it. If the feet were first warmed by a change of shoes and stockings and by brisk massage, the body would become more evenly heated, and though the atmosphere would still be an unfavourable one, less harm would result.

Entering a stuffy closed room from the fresh air of outside, similarly, causes a cold by adversly affecting the mucous membrane of the nose and lowering its power of resistance.

How one catches cold – The Fight

First of all, the little blood-vessels or capillaries supplying the injured part dilate, and thus more blood is brought into the area. The next happening can be observed through a microscope and is very dramatic to watch. To understand it we must know that blood is composed of a fluid substance in which float two types of cells, the red and the white. The white cells, or leucocytes, are the fighting forces of the blood, and they are now brought into action. As we watch, the blood circulating in the dilated vessels begins to flow more slowly, and the leucocytes line up in ranks along the vessel walls. They next thrust themselves through these walls by active movements and descend on the invading germs. The battle now begins: the white warrior cells have the power to kill the germs by seizing and engulfing them. The germs however, have also a weapon of defence – they manufacture poisonous substances or “toxins” which kill the body tissues and cause heavy casualties among the soldier cells. In order to dilute these toxins and render them less harmful, a fluid called lymph, which ordinarily circulates in little accessory channels near the blood-vessels, is poured on the scene of action; lymph also contains “anti-toxins” to neutralize the germ-poison.

At this stage the defence may overcome the germs present; and the resulting debris, which consists of the dead germs, the tissue cells which have been destroyed by them and those of the white cells that have died during the struggle, will be removed from the scene. This is the work of the small lymph channels, which carry the debris to the nearest glands, where it is destroyed. Repair of the broken blood vessels and damaged tissues now starts by a multiplication of the healthy cells which surround the area, until the part once more assumes its normal appearance.

If the germs are victorious, the struggle will continue longer, and matter or pus will be formed. Pus is, as we know, yellow and thick in consistency, and when it is present we talk of the condition being septic. There is good reason for this, as pus is really a concentrated mass of germs and the cells which have been killed by them, most of the latter being of the white “fighting” type. When pus forms, the body cannot dispose of it as it does in the case of the simple inflammatory debris, but it succeeds, as a rule, in localizing it, and when this happens, under the skin a boil or abscess results. Localized pus always works towards the surface of the body so that it can escape by discharging; this in the case of a boil, may be a long, painful process, and recovery can be hastened and pain relieved by lancing.

How one catches cold – The Inflammatory Process

The symptoms which cause so much discomfort, and perhaps in severe cases, pain in the course of a common cold, are essentially the effects of inflammation. Inflammation as whole is an interesting phenomenon and, in its particular relation to colds, its characteristics are well worth a little notice, in that it will help towards an understanding of what happens during a cold and how these symptoms may be alleviated.

Inflammation is the body’s reaction to injury. It occurs locally in the part injured, and also in the system as a whole, which as it were, adapts itself to assist as far as possible in helping the local reaction. Thus, if the local attack is severe the body temperature rises and the patient shows all the signs of a general illness.

Though inflammation may cause such uncomfortable symptoms that we look on it as an evil in itself at the time we should be helpless against attack if it did not occur. If, for example, a germ invasion of the body is very sudden and virulent, the patient may go downhill with very few signs of reaction and ultimately succumb to it. Or, again, if the patient’s power of resistance are low, the same result will occur; thus an attack of pneumonia in an old person may be quickly fatal, and there will be few signs of inflammatory response during the illness.

How one catches cold

There are two types of diseases, first those which come by a disorder of functioning and the second which are the result of the invasion by outside agents. The outside agents are bacteria, or, as they are often called, germs, and the cold is a bacterial germ infection.

If a microscopical examination is made of the front part of the nose, it will be found, even in a healthy person, to contain numbers of bacteria of different varieties. Farther back in the interior of the nasal cavities, however, no bacteria will normally be found, owing to the cleansing and disinfecting power of the mucous lining. So we see that bacteria are always on the spot, but that in the ordinary way, that is in state of health, the nose can resist them. Why then, it may be asked, can we not sit back at our ease and leave everything to this protection mechanism?

To answer this we must imagine that two opposing force, the infecting agents or germs on the one hand and the protecting mechanism on the other, are in the balance against each other, and that a little weight added to or removed from either side of the scale may decide the issue between them.

Horrors of Cold – Asthma

One of the most distressing diseases resulting from cold is Asthma. Asthma is characterized by breathlessness due to spasm of the muscular walls of the air-tubes, accompanied by swelling of their mucous linings. An attack often comes at night and the sufferer wakes up “wheezing” and with a feeling of inability to breath.

Horrors of Cold – Hay Fever and Watery Catarrh

The sufferer from hay fever is a pathetic spectacle, with streaming eyes and a profusely flowing nose, which no amount of mopping and blowing can check; indeed it only seems to aggravate the flow. Every now and then his conversation is interrupted by a shattering sneeze. He is not as a rule ill enough to go to bed and must carry on with his job under very tiring conditions.

Though true hay fever, as its name signifies, is always due to grass pollen, or less commonly to plant pollen, similar attacks of watery discharge from the nose can be provoked in persons with a sensitive nasal lining by breathing in various irritating substances – stone dust, coal dust, emanations from horses, dogs and other animals, or the perfumes of flowers may bring on an attack, or even in some instances, too much of face powder. House-hold dust has been known to cause a “running” nose and so too have road dust and the inhalation of tobacco dust. Exposure to bright sunlight or to a cold wind after leaving a warm room can aggravate matters when the lining of the nose is chronically congested and irritable.

Horrors of Cold – Snoring and snuffling

These conditions are due to obstruction in nasal passages due to catarrh. When snoring has become a firm habit, the patient should practise ‘Pranayama’.

The trouble may be due to a permanent obstruction, such as provided by adenoids. In these cases, the adenoids must be treated by means of ‘Neti’ before any relief can be gained.

Adults who snore are generally found to sleep on their backs. They must be induced to change on one side. This can be done by banking up the clothes, at the sides, with a blanket, folded to provide a wall. They should also try a second pillow under the head.

Horrors of Cold – Catarrh

The word catarrh means a flow. Nasal catarrh is therefore a flow from the nose and is one of the first symptoms of the common cold, influenza, bronchitis etc. Although catarrh can attack various surfaces of the body, the word is chiefly used to denote an inflamed condition of the mucous membrane which lines the inside of the nose. In an average case, little needs to be done beyond treating the cold, but if the catarrh condition persists long after the cold has disappeared, it certainly must not be neglected. It may become chronic and set up various secondary complications, even to causing disease in the bones of the nose, deafening the ears, affecting eye-sight, injuring the lungs and even the stomach.

Catarrh is, however, more often used to describe the condition of chronic discharge from the nose which exists in some people almost without intermission. The symptoms which accompany it may not be as violent as in the common cold, but it can occasion much ill-health and discomfort. It is to the chronic type of catarrh that we shall refer in this section.

So prevalent is catarrh that it has come to be considered by many suffers as a necessary evil. This is the wrong point of view – where the medicine fails Yoga extends the comforting hand. ‘Neti’ shows its marvels and bestows the state of perfect health upon the patient.

This disease should in no case be let to persist on, for though catarrh is in one sense a minor ailment, it has, like any other chronic inflammation, a harmful effect on the whole system, and the catarrh victim cannot be a healthy person. Moreover, catarrh, if untreated, may fead to permanent deafness.

Any long standing inflammation in the neighbourhood of the nose is liable to cause catarrh by constantly re-infecting nasal mucous membrane until a state of chronic discharge sets in. Such danger spots may arise from sinus infection, septic tonsils or adenoids, middle-ear disease or decayed teeth.

We saw that the sinuses, which are hollow air-chambers communicating with the nostrils on either side, may become acutely inflamed during the course of a cold in the head. This is more likely to occur if the individual’s resistance is lowered by faulty diet and poor hygiene, or if the infection is a particularly virulent one. Acute infection of a sinus is accompanied by thick yellow discharge from the nose and severe pain of throbbing, bursting character in the eye and cheek or brow. There is often swelling to the inner or outside of the eye.

Such a condition, unless treated, is liable to give rise to chronic discharge of yellow and foulsmelling pus from the nose, an extremely unhealthy and unpleasant state of affairs for the sufferer and highly infectious, even in the chronic form, to other people. A person with sinus disease should avoid using the same towels, cups and so on, as other members of the house hold.

The tonsils, if enlarged and inflamed are a frequent cause of nasal catarrh. Less often, but in a fair number of cases, a septic mouth may bring inflammation of the pharynx and thence of the nasal mucous membrane. The decayed teeth or inflamed gums may be a source of catarrh.

Sometimes a discharging ear, though not severe enough, may, through the Eustachian tube, give rise to chronic nasal catarrh which the sufferer thinks has arisen in the ordinary way, as a primary condition.

Catarrh in young children is usually due to adenoids. When catarrh is due to adenoids the condition is aggravated by the fact that the adenoids block up the back of the nose and restrict air entry. This factor of restricted air will, in-deed, of itself be sufficient to pre-dispose to catarrh, and for this reason it is more common in people with long high noses in which the air passage is narrower than in those whose nostrils are low and broad.

Lack of symmetry in the nostrils is another cause of deficient air entry, and it occurs when the nasal septum is deflected to one side or the other side. Anything which leads to obstruction of air entry into the nose brings about congestion an unhealthy mucous membrane, and a liability to infection. This effect is increased in stagnant, indoor atmospheres, but whereas the person with a normally constructed nose may escape, the one with an anatomic defect “catches cold after cold” till finally, a condition of chronic catarrh is set up. Such a person is advised to practise the ‘Pranayama’ regularly in open air.

In many cases susceptibility to nasal catarrh is due to anatomical abnormalities in the interior of the nose, the result of some minor accident of childhood or early youth.

Nasal polypi are another cause of obstruction. Polypi are small, pendulous sacs of inflammatory tissue formed as a result of irritation of the mucous membrane. The polypi hang down into the nasal cavity, causing varying degrees of blockage and catarrh according to their size. They can only be detected by expert examination of the nose.

Causes of chronic catarrh have been traced to eye-strain and gastric disturbances also. Both conditions tend to produce congestion of blood in the nose and pre-dispose to invasion by infection.

A form of catarrh associated with thickening and over growth of the nasal mucous membrane and giving rise to the feeling of a permanent cold in the head, but without much flow from the nose, is to be found in highly strung people. It may cause mouth-breathing and snoring, and the subject is constantly trying to blow the nose without much success.